Monday, February 27, 2012

Legs, Arms for time!

Head push-up
Squat jump
Reverse Crunch
Overhead lunge jumps
Triangle push-up
Leg lifts
For time!

Complete this workout as fast as you can. Use a stopwatch when you begin and see how fast you can finish it. 

Workout BreakDown: 
Start with 25 reps of each exercise, go through entire series of exercise and then start again, but do 20 then 15 then 10 and 5.

Head Push-up: Get in push-up position. Move feet towards hands until your bottom is in the air and you form a triangle. Then lower yourself until your head touches the ground. That's one rep.
Squat Jump: Start in a low squat position, place hands above your head. Power up jumping at high as you can while bringing arms down to your side. Land softly with knees slightly bent onto the balls of your feet and return arms back to start position.

Reverse Crunch: Lay on floor on back. bring legs off the floor and tuck into chest. Your lower body will be doing the work do not move your upper body and try not to let your legs touch the ground in between reps.

Overhead Lunge Jumps: Perform a regular lunge jump, this time bring your hands over your head straight up.  Start in forward lunge position. Power up off the ground and switch feet in the arm. Land softly on feet in lunge position. Repeat as fast as you can without losing form. Remember to keep knees behind ankles and when you lunge go straight down NOT forward.

Triangle Push-ups or close hands form a triangle with your thumb and pointer fingers, then lower chest to the ground. Try to do at least one on feet, if you are unable then move to knees.

Leg Lifts: Lie on back with legs straight. Place hands to your sides or underneath your bottom for more stabilization. Bring legs up to about a 45 degree angle keeping toes flexed towards you (not pointed, this engages the whole nervous system), then lower until they are almost touching the floor, that is one rep.

** Beginners Modification:

Squat jump
Reverse Crunch
Overhead lunge jumps

Head Push-ups
Legs lifts
Triangle push-up

- Do not try the workout for time, focus on just completing the reps and take them down even more if you need to. Try regular squats and regular lunges without the jump especially if you have knee problems. 

Post your time and compare with others, my times was 15:28, with all pushups off knees.

Cardio Workout In Gym or Outside: 18 minutes

·      This workout is one of my favorite! Grab a friend and get started or do it alone. It can be done outside or in a gym on a treadmill. The workout is from a post I found on, a great resource for tracking your diet and exercise.
      Enjoy :)

     Circuit #1
     Athlete #1, 3-minute fast, flat run. This pace is about 90 seconds per mile faster than the warm up you just finished with. If you were running at a 10-minute mile, you’ve just picked it up to an 8:30.
·       Athlete #2, 10 Burpees/20-Second Wall Squats Combo. Starts at the same time as Athlete #1. Complete as many sets of burpees and wall squats as possible in three minutes. If you’re running outside, look for a tree, park bench or something stable to hold your body up against.
·       SWAP. Athlete #2 starts running, athlete #1 starts burpees/wall squats.
Circuit #2
·       Athlete #1, 3-minutes moderate-paced, hill run. Bring the incline to 5% and set the speed 30 seconds faster than your warm up. If you’re running outside, run for four minutes and focus on drawing your knees up toward your chest.
·       Athlete #2, 20-Second High Knees/20-Second Plank. Move through the high knee/plank combo five times.
·       SWAP. Athlete #2 starts running, athlete #1 starts high knees/plank combo.
Circuit #3
·       Athlete #1, 3-minute flat accelerated intervals. Start you pace fast for one minute, pick it up 15 – 20 seconds per mile faster for one minute, then go all out for one minute finishing as strong as you can.
·       Athlete #2, 30 Seconds of Walking Lunges,/30 Seconds of Push Ups. Move through the lunge/push up combo three times.
·       SWAP. Athlete #2 starts running, athlete #1 starts lunge/push up combo.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Legs: 20-30 minutes, Light Equipment


10: 12 lb wall balls
20: box jump
20: lunge jumps
20: sit-up with 12 lb.
20: squat side crunch lift

Repeat 3 times

Workout BreakDown:

Wall ball throws- Start in a squat position about 2 feet from the wall, squat down low and then explode up launching the 12lb ball (or however heavy you are able) close to 10 feet above you, fully extend arms as you throw the ball. After the ball bouncing off the wall bend knees and start returning to squat position as you catch it. Do as fast as you can while keeping good form.

Box Jump: Find something sturdy that it 2 to 3 feet tall. Jump onto the box in a squat position, then jump off the box back to the floor. Land with soft knees and return to squat before powering up again.

Lunge Jumps: Start in forward lunge position. Power up off the ground and switch feet in the arm. Land softly on feet in lunge position. Repeat as fast as you can without losing form. Remember to keep knees behind ankles and when you lunge go straight down NOT forward.

Sit-ups: Perform formal sit-ups but with a weighted ball, I recommend 12lbs, but you can choose whatever  weight you are most capable of doing. 

Squat-Side-Crunch-Lift: Perform a regular squat. As you come up from your squat bring one leg up for an oblique crunch. Perform a squat again, but this time bring the other leg up for another oblique crunch. Repeat until you have done 20 crunches on each side (40 squats total).
*For added resistance perform squats with a weighted bag, or a weight ball, as you bring up your leg to crunch twist with the ball.

 For those of you performing these workouts at home, you can use a sturdy chair, trunk or ice chest to perform box jumps, please be careful and make sure that it is secured before you begin.

To create a sense of community and to share your accomplishments, feel free to post your times, reps, ect. below! 

Here is where you can buy the equipment for this exercise! Try to start collecting so that you won't have to improvise!