Monday, February 27, 2012

Cardio Workout In Gym or Outside: 18 minutes

·      This workout is one of my favorite! Grab a friend and get started or do it alone. It can be done outside or in a gym on a treadmill. The workout is from a post I found on, a great resource for tracking your diet and exercise.
      Enjoy :)

     Circuit #1
     Athlete #1, 3-minute fast, flat run. This pace is about 90 seconds per mile faster than the warm up you just finished with. If you were running at a 10-minute mile, you’ve just picked it up to an 8:30.
·       Athlete #2, 10 Burpees/20-Second Wall Squats Combo. Starts at the same time as Athlete #1. Complete as many sets of burpees and wall squats as possible in three minutes. If you’re running outside, look for a tree, park bench or something stable to hold your body up against.
·       SWAP. Athlete #2 starts running, athlete #1 starts burpees/wall squats.
Circuit #2
·       Athlete #1, 3-minutes moderate-paced, hill run. Bring the incline to 5% and set the speed 30 seconds faster than your warm up. If you’re running outside, run for four minutes and focus on drawing your knees up toward your chest.
·       Athlete #2, 20-Second High Knees/20-Second Plank. Move through the high knee/plank combo five times.
·       SWAP. Athlete #2 starts running, athlete #1 starts high knees/plank combo.
Circuit #3
·       Athlete #1, 3-minute flat accelerated intervals. Start you pace fast for one minute, pick it up 15 – 20 seconds per mile faster for one minute, then go all out for one minute finishing as strong as you can.
·       Athlete #2, 30 Seconds of Walking Lunges,/30 Seconds of Push Ups. Move through the lunge/push up combo three times.
·       SWAP. Athlete #2 starts running, athlete #1 starts lunge/push up combo.

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