Saturday, February 9, 2013


It's been a while since I posted a workout.  I am not allowed to do my own works for the exercise trial I am in right now, but I have some good ones I used to do and wanted to share.

6:20 (legs,abs)
20 jump lunges with forward leg kick
20 Leg lifts (on back lift legs to 45 degrees, then back down to floor, without touching)
20 jump squats
20 head push-ups (butt high in the air, lower top of head to ground)
20 burpees
20 triangle push-ups (place hands in a triangle, perform a regular push-up)
4 rounds
*for time

If you'd like post your time at the bottom and compare to others.

Burpee demo:

Friday, February 8, 2013

Food & Nutrition

I am always fascinated when I see a magazine article with something like "Lose 15 pounds in 2 weeks." I can never resist the urge to pick and read, so I do.

And every time I laugh at how insane the diets are.  I have noted that I don't know a lot about nutrition, but I can tell you that if you starve yourself with lemon, cinnamon, and maple water for two weeks, you will FOR SURE lose weight.  It is inevitable.

But what happens when those two weeks are over? You feel good for about 2 days and then you eat and gain 15+ lbs back.

The body is an incredible devise.  It knows when you are starving yourself and so what does it do? Reserves your longest lasting energy source, FAT!

Let's talk about diets, and how stupid they are...

Low carbs: When we deplete the body of carbs, and I mean completely deplete like the Atkins diet, our body has to come up with an alternate energy source.  Our body runs on glucose (energy source  form carbs), so when it is gone it takes energy from other sources.  So what are these sources?  Muscle and Fat.  So your thinking oooohh good all my fat will be burned away. Not so fast.  So you burn fat? Who cares, the only reason you are losing weight is because your losing muscle.  And as we all know muscle weighs more than fat.  So with low carb or no carb, your body will tear apart your muscle and make your weight decrease, but you usually don't look any different.

Moral of the story: Stop being crazy, start eating normal, just eat less.

The rule we live by in my house:
"Eat food, not too much, mostly plants." Micheal Pollan

Here are some simple steps to do this.

1. Begin first by tracking your calories. There are so many APPS that do this. Myfitnesspal, Livestrong, ect. ****When you begin doing this try really hard NOT to change your diet so that you look like you eat less than you normally do. If you normally eat 3 bowls of ice cream (like me) then put that down. Try this for one week just to see how much you typically consume.

2. Do not follow the guidelines for calories recommended for "most" women.  This is usually 2000 calories a day.  Figure out your recommended amount using a Calorie Calculator.

3. After finding out how many calories you eat then try to cut them down by 200-500 depending on your weight loss goals (200 for 1 lb about every 2.5 weeks, 500 for 1 lb a week)

4. Start adding more fruits and veggies. Eat a pack of carrots or an apple with your lunch instead of a granola bar. Make a smoothie in the morning with spinach in it, they are amazing.

5. Try being a vegetarian a few nights a week. My husband and I are vegetarians about 3-4 nights a week and it has really helped us with eating more produce.

6.  Remember the most important thing: weight loss is all about calories in vs. calories out, NOT about the type of calories you are consuming!

7. Let yourself splurge.  Whether it works for you to do it only once a week (tried this myself lasted 2 weeks), or eating a small treat daily don't deprive yourself too much or you'll end up going buck-wild when you finally allow yourself an indulgence.

If you are interested in learning about vegetarian of vegan diets, Scott Jurek had a fascinating article on Runners World, especially good read for runners.

If I had the self control I would definitely be all vegetarian, maybe even vegan, but I love my dairy, my sugars, my time, and my money!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

How to Become a Runner and How to Run Faster

How many of you believe that in order to be a runner you must run a marathon???

This is my BIGGEST pet-peeves that people perceive about runners.

I have been running for 7 years and have yet to complete a marathon... Why?

Marathons are hard on your body, require A LOT of time to train, and are made for certain fitness types.

I enjoy running with a mix endurance and speed.  I like races where I can be competitive and win (try to ).. That is why I am strictly a 10k race runner, not to mention I get horrendous runners stomach when I go past 9 miles.

My point is, you DO NOT need to run a marathon to be considered a "runner", you don't need to run a half or even a 10k.  Find the distance that speaks to you.  If you love endurance only- run marathons.  If you love speed only- run 5k's. If you're mixed try a 10k or a half.

Me and Cam @ Whiskey Row

Moving on, how many of you would like to learn to be faster? I would.

I am taking an amazing class this semester called exercise physiology.  We've been discussing how to become a faster runner and the types of training to do.

Way 1:
I will explain it as simply as I can.  For those of you who run at all, you typically run just below your lactate threshold.  Lactate threshold is the point when your blood becomes full of lactate, meaning you hit that point when your body starts to slow down and can't perform anymore.  In order to run quickly we have to stress this lactate threshold.

For example: I can run a 10k with an average of 8:15 miles.  In order to get faster I have to stress my lactate threshold so I can run at a higher intensity without getting as tired as I would normally.

How do you do this? Take your best race time for the event you plan on doing (or if you've never ran in a race go out and run your race distance as fast as you can).  Figure out how fast you run 400 m and 800 m at this optimal race pace.  (i.e. if I run 8:15 minute miles my 400m= 2:03, 800m= 4:07)

Next you will need to take off 5 seconds from you 400m time or 8-10 seconds off your 800m time depending on which distance you prefer.

Then you will want to run  400ms or  800ms at that pace until you reach the mileage of your event.

This is how I would do this for myself and running a 10k
Running 400m's:
I would need to run 24 400m's at 1:58 seconds each.

Running 800m's:
I would need to run 12 800m's at 3:57

Doing this 1-2 times a week is a great way to begin to increase your lactate threshold.

 Way 2:

Set up cones, or use a basketball court lines that are about 20m apart.

Run from one cone or line and then back in 10 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds and keep going until you can no longer.

Once you miss getting there and back in 10 seconds, sit out until you feel ready to come back and do it again.

Try for 15-20 rounds.

More tips check out this Runner's World Article.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Pregnancy Workouts During and After

I don't know much about pregnancy and working out, but here is an article I got from my exercise physiology teacher that I thought may be helpful for some of you. Enjoy!

Training Indoors for Runners

One of the things I like least about Idaho is not being able to run outdoors.  Treadmills are a bore and at the indoor track at BYU-I 1 miles is 5 1/2 laps.  However there are definitely some ways to remedy these problems.

Hint #1 
-Find a friend.  There is not way I could run indoors without my good friend Kate. We are going to run 6 miles after this at the indoor track.

Hint #2
-When running on a treadmill continually change your speed to make it a more diverse experience.  I usually pick a base line say 6.5 on the treadmill and warm up for 10 minutes.  Then I will increase to 7.0 for 5 minutes and go back to 6.5 for 1 minute and so on like this:
Treadmill workout:
6.3 --- 10 minutes warm-up
6.7 ---5 minutes
6.3 --- 1 minute cool-down
7.0 --- 4 minutes
6.3 --- 1 minute cool-down
7.3 --- 3 minutes
6.3 --- 1 minute cool-down
7.6 --- 2 minutes
6.3 --- 1 minute cool-down
8.0 --- 1 minute
 And then do it again in reverse. It really does make it more fun and the miles add up much faster.

On a side-note I want to introduce you to my new FAVORITE ever running shoes.  I just got them for Christmas and I am already obsessed.  Check out the video to learn more.  I am running faster, smoother and with less irritation (after the initially learning curve).

Just ran my first 10k in these babies on the indoor track, time: 49:12
Not my best ever, but certainly a good time considering I have not run that far in three weeks.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Refining Challenges

Jump Squat Challenge and legs 
5 min squat jumps

2 rounds:
20 pendulum leg swings
10 burpees
20 run jumps
10 burpees
30 skater lunge, bring leg back then forward side crunch with opposite arm
10 burpees
30 squat side touch down

Military Week: Griff Day 5


SSgt Travis Griffin
In honor of USAF SSgt Travis L. Griffin, 28, who was killed April 3, 2008 in the Rasheed district of Baghdad by an IED strike to his vehicle.

Travis is survived by his son Elijah.

First posted 9 June 2008
  • Run 800 meters
  • Run 400 meters backwards
  • Run 800 meters
  • Run 400 meters backwards
For time

Taken from



Military Week: Chelsea Day 4


  • 5 Pull-ups
  • 10 Push-ups
  • 15 Squats
Each min on the min for 30 min

*Modification: Instead of pull-ups try leg lifts.

Military Week: Kelly Day 3

I am a huge supporter of the workout program Crossfit. From time to time I will post their workouts for you guys to do. The reason that I do not just have you follow all their workouts is that they are very hard to do without equipment and a gym. They are also very military style and I know that many women do not enjoy that kind of training. If you are more interested in learning about them visit Here is a GREAT workout form their site.

  • Run 400 meters
  • 30 box jump, 24 inch box, or use bleachers if you are at a track 
  • 30 Wall ball shots, 10-20 pound ball
Five rounds for time


Military Week :Angie Day 2


  • 100 Pull-ups
  • 100 Push-ups
  • 100 Sit-ups
  • 100 Squats
For Time
Complete all reps of each exercise before moving to the next.

*Modification with out pull-ups
100 push-ups
20 burpees
100 squats
20 burpees
100 sit-ups
20 burpees

Workout BreakDown:
Burpee:Begin in a standing position. Drop into a squat position with your hands on the ground. Extend your feet back in one quick motion to assume the front plank position. Return to the squat position in one quick motion. Return to an upright standing position.

This routine is one of my favorite. It is extremely hard, but I really think you will enjoy it. If you don't think you can do 100 reps at once, break it up into sets. Try 2 sets of 50 or 4 sets of 25. If that still seems to unmanageable, then try to do 50 reps total of each exercise and 10 burpees in between. Remember this is about improvement at your OWN pace. Don't give yourself an excuse do the workout the best you can, just modify it as needed!

*workout edited from 

Military Week Challenge: Murph Day 1

This week I would like to support those in the military who have lost their lives by honoring them and performing their workouts. is a website that is a military based workout program. It is very tough and requires a lot of dedication. This week I will be bringing you workouts from their site that are intense, but because we lack equipment to do the really heavy military workouts I will be posting ones that we can do! If you are interested in learning more about them visit their site.


Michael Murphy
In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, NY, who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.
This workout was one of Mike's favorites and he'd named it 'Body Armor.' From here on it will be referred to as 'Murph' in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.

First posted 18 August 2005
  • 1 mile Run
  • 100 Pull-ups
  • 200 Push-ups
  • 300 Squats
  • 1 mile Run
For time.
Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you've got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.

How to modify: instead of doing 100 pull-ups, 200 push-up and 300 squats I recommend doing 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups and 200 squats. If that still seems to unbearable, take the reps down as much as you need!

Post your fabulous times for us to see! Let me know how you like this weeks workout. It is definitely going to be a challenge week.



There are two things I hear from women that make me cringe.

The first is fad diets..

The second is that they want a sexy stomach so they do 400-600 reps of abdominal workouts every day after doing 60 minutes of cardio. If you are one of them, here is my question to you, does it work? Do you have a six pack? The answer is most likely no. The abdominal muscles work exactly like any other muscle group. We don't work our legs everyday because they would never be able to repair and build muscle, so WHY do we do it to our abs??
If you want flat abs, you need to burn fat that is on top of your muscle, you also need to work the other parts of your body because these exercises use your core to stabilize, you get an abdominal workout by doing them.

Read this article for more information: Ab Myths

I do know that there are some of you who are dying for a good ab workout. I don't post many but here is one from Tony Horton, have at it!

* Do this workout in combination with a cardio workout. Cardio is what will help to get rid of the fat that is covering your muscle. 

Cardio Workout:
Jog 1 mile
Walk 2 Laps
Jog 1/2 mile
Walk 1 Lap
Run 1 mile, this one for time.

Love it or Hate it, Just do it!

Your either going to LOVE this workout or HATE it.
Naturally I love it so that is why I am giving it to you!
Get with your workout buddy and get started on it, it's a wonderful workout and will kick your butt if you work at it!

4 rounds:
Run 1 lap
30: Squat Jumps
10: 1 arm push up press (each arm)
20: Squat-Side-Crunch-Lift
10: Plank-Jump-Crunch-Push

Finish for time! 

Workout BreakDown:

Squat Jump: Start in a low squat position, place hands above your head. Power up jumping at high as you can while bringing arms down to your side. Land softly with knees slightly bent onto the balls of your feet and return arms back to start position.

1 arm push-up press: Lay on stomach, place one hand next to your chest with elbow bent back towards your lower body. Place the other hand on your lower back. With the hand next to your chest press your body upwards and continue pressing until your completely arched, then lower yourself back down. Do 10 on one arm switch and then 10 on the other. (Beginners try for 5 on each arm!)

Squat-Side-Crunch-Lift: Perform a regular squat. As you come up from your squat bring one leg up for an oblique crunch. Perform a squat again, but this time bring the other leg up for another oblique crunch.

Plank-Jump-Crunch-Push: Start in Push up position, jump forward into head push up position, jump back out and bring one leg forward into chest with other leg stabilizing to get a nice crunch, then do it with your other leg. Place both legs back on the ground and do a push-up.

Post your time and compare how you do with others :)

Simple Cardio

This is a simple cardio workout. Only 4 exercises, but if you try to keep going without stopping it will do great in getting your heart rate up. These workouts are meant to keep you at a consistently high heart rate, that is why they are able to be so short and still have the same effect of long workouts.

Jump and Spin (cardio)
20 Burpee 180
20 sit-ups
2 min. jump rope or high knees if a jump rope is not available
20 reverse crunch
4 rounds

Burpee 180: Perform a burpee as normal, but instead of doing them right after each other in the same position, you will do one jump 180 degrees and do another. Try to jump back and forth and not in a circle so that you don't get dizzy.

Reverse Crunch: Lay on floor on back. bring legs off the floor and tuck into chest. Your lower body will be doing the work do not move your upper body and try not to let your legs touch the ground in between reps.

30 Minutes of Go Time!

This is a REALLY fun workout to do if you have never experienced this type of workout. Check it out and have fun with it.

AMRAP 30 min
30 Walking lunge steps
20 Sit-ups
20 Box jumps, 20 inch box
10 leg lifts
10 push-ups

Workout BreakDown:
The exercises listed of above with their indicated number of reps is ONE round. Your goal is to set your timer for 30 minutes (watch, phone, ect) and try to do as many rounds as possible in those thirty minutes! Don't give up if you get tired, keep going even if your last 10 minutes you only get half a round, the goal is to never stop!

Post how many rounds you finish so we can see how well you did!

Pyramid of Death

Today we are going to do a workout and looks like a pyramid. It doesn't sound too bad, but once you start you will quickly understand why I have chosen the name I have for it. Have fun with it! Try to finish it as fast as you can, and work on taking down reps if you need to!

Enjoy :)


3 direction burpees: back, side, side.
Runner lunge kick ups
3 direction sit-ups
4 crunch elevated push-up
leg lifts
jump rope (1 minute)

Start with 5 reps and go through all the exercises, then do 10 reps, and finish with 5 reps.

3 direction burpee: Perform a regular burpee for your first one. Then do 2 more burpees, but instead of jumping back jump slightly to the right, then come up and go back again, this time slightly to the left. Remember to include the push-up when you are ready.(each burpee counts as one)

Runner lunge kick-ups: Start in runners lunge position with hands on the floor. Do a lunge jump with in that position and then come up to a standing lunge. With your back leg swing up to waist height and touch your toe with your opposite hand.

3 Direction sit-ups: Start a regular sit-up position. Each time you come up turn a different direction, first to the left, then go straight, then to your right. (each sit-up counts as one)

4 Crunch elevated push-up: Using a box, trunk, or chair start with legs elevated up in a push-up position. Bring your left leg forward towards your chest, then the other leg. Next bring your left leg to the side performing a side crunch, then the other leg. After you perform the 4 crunches do a push-up. (each PUSH-UP counts as one rep NOT each crunch)
*Modify by doing regular not elevated push-ups)

V-ups: lay on ground with arms to your side and feet out straight. Bring your legs up straight and the same time being your upper body forward using your abs.
*Modify by bringing legs up in a bent position.

Have fun with this workout, if you want more of a challenge go up to 15 and then back down. Work hard and don't quit.

Post your time!

Max Out

Today we are going to test ourselves to see how many reps we can do of the following exercises. This is a routine that you should try to complete once a month, or every few months to see how you are progressing.

Run 1 mile timed

Do your max number of reps in 2 minutes for the following:
Squat jumps
Leg lifts

Finish with another mile timed, try to beat your first mile.

Post your times and reps below!


Arms and Abdominal Workout 27 minutes, Dumbbells


1 and 1/2 minute each exercise, no breaks:
jump lunge press with dumbbell
overhead tricep extension
dumbbell pulls
variation push-ups
crab push-up

Repeat 3 Times 

Jump Lunge w/ dumbbell: Start in lunge position, power-up and switch legs in the air landing softly on feet back into lunge position hold dumbbells either above head or down by your sides. After you do one lunge bring arms out to the side and press weights overhead.

Overhead tricep extension: Stand in a wide stance with knees slightly bent and tucked behind your toes. Hold dumbbells with bent elbows behind your head and then extend upwards until arms are straight. Remember to keep good posture, it is very important to keep knees bent or you will prevent blood flow which can cause dizziness or fainting.

Dumbbell Pulls: Stand in a squat width position with knees slightly bent. Hold dumbbell together and let arms hang down in between knees, then use your triceps and back muscles to pull dumbbells up to your chin and lower. Again remember to keep good form, stay in a medium to low squat position throughout DO NOT straighten legs or let your back arch or hang, keep good posture throughout.

Variation Push-ups: Perform 10 push-ups in different variations. Start with regular, then move to wide (about 6 inches further from side of regular push-up position), then triangle push-ups or close hands (form a triangle with your thumb and pointer fingers. Do 10 of each and then start over until time is up. Remember to keep back low and press elbows back. Try to touch your chest to the ground or your hands. 

We are going to use dumbbells quite a bit for these exercises. If you don't have any consider getting this series. It is nice because as you get stronger you move up weights, and you get a deal when you buy them all together and a fancy stand!


Filthy Fifties

This is one of the most intense workouts  I have found yet.
It's another one from our good friends at Crossfit. It doesn't involved hardly any equipment so you should be able to do it just fine! I have modified it just a bit from the original, that can be found at

For time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, or use your exercise ball, or a dumbbell
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, exercise ball
50 Burpees

I did this workout with a friend and we accomplished it in just over 16 minutes. Try to keep that time, or set your own personal goal and beat that! Post your times at the bottom!

Good luck, be strong and don't quit even when it is hard.

If you need to modify it consider breaking it up into rounds, taking down the reps, or a combination of both!



Climb-Push-Jump (25 minutes)

This is a really fun way to see how well you can push yourself. You will perform the following routine as many times as possible in 25 minutes. The goal is to try and do as many rounds as physically possible. If time is almost up KEEP GOING. Most of you will have X number of rounds and a half, ect. 


15 Mountain climber push ups: run for step, then do a push-up
30 squats
15 jump push ups: jump forward to hands, jump back then do a  push up
30 lunges (15 each leg)
15 head push-ups
30 squat jumps
15 triangle push-ups
30 plié squats

Post the number of rounds you were able to achieve!