Friday, January 18, 2013

Pyramid of Death

Today we are going to do a workout and looks like a pyramid. It doesn't sound too bad, but once you start you will quickly understand why I have chosen the name I have for it. Have fun with it! Try to finish it as fast as you can, and work on taking down reps if you need to!

Enjoy :)


3 direction burpees: back, side, side.
Runner lunge kick ups
3 direction sit-ups
4 crunch elevated push-up
leg lifts
jump rope (1 minute)

Start with 5 reps and go through all the exercises, then do 10 reps, and finish with 5 reps.

3 direction burpee: Perform a regular burpee for your first one. Then do 2 more burpees, but instead of jumping back jump slightly to the right, then come up and go back again, this time slightly to the left. Remember to include the push-up when you are ready.(each burpee counts as one)

Runner lunge kick-ups: Start in runners lunge position with hands on the floor. Do a lunge jump with in that position and then come up to a standing lunge. With your back leg swing up to waist height and touch your toe with your opposite hand.

3 Direction sit-ups: Start a regular sit-up position. Each time you come up turn a different direction, first to the left, then go straight, then to your right. (each sit-up counts as one)

4 Crunch elevated push-up: Using a box, trunk, or chair start with legs elevated up in a push-up position. Bring your left leg forward towards your chest, then the other leg. Next bring your left leg to the side performing a side crunch, then the other leg. After you perform the 4 crunches do a push-up. (each PUSH-UP counts as one rep NOT each crunch)
*Modify by doing regular not elevated push-ups)

V-ups: lay on ground with arms to your side and feet out straight. Bring your legs up straight and the same time being your upper body forward using your abs.
*Modify by bringing legs up in a bent position.

Have fun with this workout, if you want more of a challenge go up to 15 and then back down. Work hard and don't quit.

Post your time!

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