Saturday, January 19, 2013

Training Indoors for Runners

One of the things I like least about Idaho is not being able to run outdoors.  Treadmills are a bore and at the indoor track at BYU-I 1 miles is 5 1/2 laps.  However there are definitely some ways to remedy these problems.

Hint #1 
-Find a friend.  There is not way I could run indoors without my good friend Kate. We are going to run 6 miles after this at the indoor track.

Hint #2
-When running on a treadmill continually change your speed to make it a more diverse experience.  I usually pick a base line say 6.5 on the treadmill and warm up for 10 minutes.  Then I will increase to 7.0 for 5 minutes and go back to 6.5 for 1 minute and so on like this:
Treadmill workout:
6.3 --- 10 minutes warm-up
6.7 ---5 minutes
6.3 --- 1 minute cool-down
7.0 --- 4 minutes
6.3 --- 1 minute cool-down
7.3 --- 3 minutes
6.3 --- 1 minute cool-down
7.6 --- 2 minutes
6.3 --- 1 minute cool-down
8.0 --- 1 minute
 And then do it again in reverse. It really does make it more fun and the miles add up much faster.

On a side-note I want to introduce you to my new FAVORITE ever running shoes.  I just got them for Christmas and I am already obsessed.  Check out the video to learn more.  I am running faster, smoother and with less irritation (after the initially learning curve).

Just ran my first 10k in these babies on the indoor track, time: 49:12
Not my best ever, but certainly a good time considering I have not run that far in three weeks.

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